Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation (also known as augmentation mammoplasty) is a cosmetic procedure that aims to increase the size, shape, or fullness of the breast. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation has remained for many decades one of the top 5 most popular cosmetic Surgical Procedures.

Although in the past, the classic breast augmentation procedure was performed exclusively with breast implants, with the passage of time and the evolution of Cosmetic Surgery techniques, other techniques are now being added. Depending on the needs and desires of each woman, the Surgeon will suggest the appropriate method that will provide excellent results.


Breast augmentation with silicone implants

Silicone implants are the most common way to increase the breast size. It is important to understand that the outer shell or envelope of all breast implants is made of silicone. The actual filling substance can vary and it usually consists of silicone gel or saline. Silicone gel implants are currently the commonest type of implants that are used due to their superior cosmetic results. The patient can choose between implants which contain silicone gel or saline. In addition to the composition and size, the shape of the silicone implants also varies. They are available in two types: round and tear-drop shaped silicone implants. The round one is the most prevalent as it best suits with the natural female breast. Finally, regarding the surgical technique, breast augmentation with silicone implants can be performed in three different ways:

  • With an incision around the nipple (Peri-areolar Incision)
  • With an incision under the arm (Transaxillary Incision)
  • With an incision at the crease under the breast (Inframammary Fold Incision)

In any case, after the end of the surgical operation and the postoperative period, no incision is visible.


Breast augmentation with fat transfer

This is a more “patient-friendly” procedure, as it does not require surgery. It is an ideal method for women who wish to gently increase the size or tone of their breasts. Fat transfer breast augmentation uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of your body, which are richer in adipose tissue (e.g. buttocks, abdomen, etc.) and inject it to enhance the breasts.

The short recovery period, as well as the absence of an incision, makes this minimally invasive technique attractive to women who are “afraid” of the surgical scalpel.


Breast Augmentation & Lift

Regarding breast lift as a single surgical procedure, it raises and reshapes breasts and nipples (after relaxation of the mammary gland) to achieve a firmer, perkier, and more youthful appearance. The causes that can lead to the relaxation of the breast tissue can be some sudden weight fluctuations, pregnancy, natural wear and tear due to the passage of time (aging), or even certain habits, such as sunbathing, as it is known that prolonged ultraviolet (UV) exposure breaks down collagen and impairs the production of new collagen.

In some cases, breast lift gives the impression that their size has also increased. Not a few women choose augmentation surgery aim at lifting their breasts using silicone implants.

The popularity of breast augmentation surgery, with ultimate goal the breast lift, is due to the fact that the breast looks like more improved compared to a procedure that aims only at the breast lift without the use of silicone implants.


Breast Augmentation Results

The breast augmentation surgery does not disturb the normal function of the breast at all, in terms of milk production or the nipple sensation. Silicone implants have been used for more than 4 decades now, having proven to be a safe option that stands the test of time. At SurgiShape Medical Clinic we use Mentor implants, which have a lifetime guarantee!

Over the years, the implants have greatly improved by technological aspect and are designed with a highly cohesive gel that holds its shape much better. Those are used in nowadays prevent silicone molecules leakage (rupture), so there is no reason to prohibit breastfeeding after surgery. Today, innovative tools, safer implants, and advanced technology are enabling surgeons to deliver more natural-looking results, while reducing recovery time and complication risks.


The CEO and Chairman of the Surgical Clinic, “SurgiShape” and certified Breast Surgeon Dr. Themistoklis Galanakis cooperates with specialized scientists who have excellent scientific training, experience and knowledge in the field of Breast Surgery. The Plastic Surgeon & Scientific Director of “Surgishape” Department of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kyriakos Efthymoglou, as well as the rest of the Clinic’s team, are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have regarding breast augmentation surgery.


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10:00 - 15:00