The threads are completely biocompatible and bioabsorbable materials. They are 100% safe and their application on face and body is a revolutionary method for skin sagging and for lifting and tightening of body’s areas without the intervention of a surgical scalpel (without surgery). Today’s application of PDO/COG threads tends to completely eliminate surgical lifting, which is performed at the hospital something that causes discomfort to the patient and creates large and often unsightly scars.
Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are absorbable sutures made from the same material (polypropylene) that dissolvable surgical sutures are made of. This material is also used in very special ophthalmological and cardiac surgeries. Therefore, one can easily understand the safety in the use of these specific materials.
There are various kinds of PDO threads which are either placed in the form of a reinforced inner support mesh that internally strengthens the tissues of the body or face by stimulating the secretion of collagen and elastin and through this process the lift occurs or act by direct pull on the tissues to achieve the lift. The first category includes monofilament PDOs and the most powerful spirals (PDOs Screw). To the second category belong the hooked threads as well as much stronger suspension threads which immediately cause a lifting effect. (PDO COG). COG threads achieve direct pull on both face and body and are usually placed in pairs. They are very effective on the facial area for improving the facial lines and especially for correcting the oval as well as for the skin sagging that creates the so-called “bags”. In the above-mentioned problems that are appeared on the face very often, the polylactic acid (PLA) threads also offer an excellent result. The polylactic acid cones retain the tissues equally impressive and immediately cause a lifting effect in the area where they are applied having similar results to the classic threads with barbs. This category of threads is also placed in pairs on the areas of the face or body to achieve the best lifting effect in areas that require it due to the natural aging process and loss of volume that occurs over time, as we age.
It is an equally popular treatment for the body and with the threads placing is achieved an immediate lifting and tightening effect on the areas of the body where the skin sagging is noticeable and significantly annoy the patients. If the suspension threads (COGs) are combined with the PDO monofilaments as a strong mesh by PDO’s, then we have a really impressive and excellent result.
I would like to make it clear that the threads either the simple Monofilament PDO’S or the strong suspension PDO COG threads as well as the threads with polylactic acid cones are perfectly combined with liposuction either immediately after the procedure or later in order to optimize the results of liposuction. The threads are the most modern and specialized in dealing with the problem of skin sagging with spectacular results. It is a completely safe method that is performed with local anesthesia at the doctor’s office with equally impressive results as surgical lifting but without the ugly and unsightly scars.
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 15:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 15:00